Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Upcoming events - November

I will be attending various community events in the Leadgate and Medomsley area in November. Here is an idea of what's on;

Date and Time       Event and Location                                                                   

Sat 3rd 10am        Coffee morning and mini fair, Medomsley Methodist Hall

Fri 9th 7pm           Medomsley Village residents association AGM, Bishop Ian Ramsey School

Sat 10th 10am       Autumn Fair, Mary Magdalene Church Medomsley 

Thu 15th All Day    PCC Elections Vote Ron Hogg

Wed 28th 6pm       AAP meeting  (Usually Salvation Army Hall)

 Bonfire Night: I will be taking my children to an organised display. I have already heard of one young person being quite severely burned at a bonfire in Leadgate. Please make  children and young people aware of the dangers and encourage them to stay safe.

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